Name: Michael Carter
Message: After having several different well drillers come up dry and charging me ungodly amounts of money to do so with no remorse or concern for my problem. I had given up on building a house on my one acre parcel in a premium location. Literally Eight (8) wells were drilled with no water, they all had to be abandoned correctly by pumping pure cement to the bottom and filling the hole. I met Ron Robinson while he was drilling a well for a friend and explained all the problems I had in trying to get water on my property. Ron wanted to come out and look at the location and convinced me not to give up. After looking at maps well logs and many other sources of information Ron was convinced that other drillers had just drilled in the wrong place. in one case just by a few feet. He was so positive and informative I just had to try ONE more time. After Ron moved his rig on to my property it took him just one day to drill 240 ft and get me a working 10 gallon a minute well. We are able to fulfill my ultimate wish of building her dream house thanks to Ron Robinson. I can\’t thank him enough for not letting me quit. If you want water the first time call Ron first.. The funny thing was he drilled just a few feet from a previously drilled location. It was just like he told me before hand, they just missed in that spot by just a few feet. All I can say is we now have faith in God and Ron Robinson. THANKS RON !!!